Vampire Dormitory | Season 1 | Hindi Dubbed [ORG]

Vampire Dormitory Anime Hindi Dub All Episodes Downloads and Watch, 720p, 1080p, High Quality with Multi-Format for Free.
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Vampire Dormitory | Hindi Dubbed | 1-12 Episodes | Seasons 1

Vampire Dormitory in Hindi Dubbed

Anime Info:

✓Vampire Dormitory Hindi Dub

Genres: Romance, Supernatural
Release year: 2024
Seasons: 01 Complete Added!
Total Episodes: 12
Episodes: 12 Added!
Running time: 23min
Language: Hindi 2.0 [Org]
Studio: Studio Blanc.
Source: Myanimelist


Vampire Dormitory Story Is* Based on a romance drama manga by Tooyama Ema. Mito, who has no family to rely on, lives on the streets, disguised as a boy. Ruka, a vampire, saves her from a perilous situation and makes her an offer: become his subservient thrall from which he can feed whenever he wants, and she can live with him—in the boys' dorm. Because her very existence depends on her secret not being found out, every day is a new danger—to say nothing of that vampire! Meanwhile, Ruka, not knowing Mito's a girl, dotes on her night and day in an attempt to ripen her "disgusting male blood," but when real feelings develop

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Vampire Dormitory Anime Series Hindi Dubbed

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