Bartender Glass of God Hindi Dubbed [ORG 2.0]

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Bartender Glass of God Anime Series Hindi Dubbed [ORG 2.0]

Bartender Glass of God Anime Series Hindi Dubbed [ORG 2.0]

Anime Series Info:

Name : Bartender Glass of God Hindi
Genre : Drama, Gourmet
Myanimelist : 6.91 Score
Total Episodes : 11 Added!
Duration : 23min
Language : (Hindi Dub)


Bartender Glass of God Description:

Hidden in the backstreets of the Ginza district is Eden Hall, a lone bar operated by Ryuu Sasakura, the prodigy bartender who is said to mix the most incredible cocktails anyone has ever tasted. However, not just anyone can find Eden Hall; rather, it is Eden Hall that must find you. Customers of varying backgrounds, each plagued with their own troubles, wander into this bar. Nevertheless, Ryuu always knows the ideal cocktail to console and guide each distraught soul...

(Source: Myanimelist)


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Bartender Glass of God
Hindi Dubbed Episode Download below

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