The Cafe Terrace and Its Goddesses Season 1 | Hindi Dubbed

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The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses Hindi Dubbed Download All Episodes in High Quality From Myanimeindia

The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses Hindi Dubbed

Anime Overview

Season 1 of The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses premiered on April 8, 2023.
Genre: Drama, Romance, Mystery
Languages: Hindi
Episodes: 12 Added!
Studios: Tezuka Productions
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Ecchi
Themes: Adult Cast, Harem
Demographic: Shounen
Duration: 23 min. per ep.


After inheriting his late grandmother’s failing café, Hayato sees it as a bother and plans to sell it for a quick buck. Until he discovers five beautiful girls staying there! When they beg him to keep the café open, Hayato reluctantly gives in...

(Source: Myanimelist)

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